A Different Perspective

Recently on LinkedIn, I shared a post identifying seven ways to speak positively to self that received an interesting comment. The writer said that it might be dangerous to suppress negative talk. The comment caused me to think … and think … and think. Then I thunk!  

My faucet runs both cold AND hot water. To get the desired temperature, I simply turn the knob. By wanting warm water, it requires both hot and cold to work together in unison. Perhaps we are the same way. There may be times in which ice-cold water is required. During those times, heat must take a back seat. Likewise, when I need that scald effect, my chill must chill.  

Why is it that by choosing to highlight positivity, the inference is that “we are suppressing the negative”? Suppression is an action. It doesn’t automatically occur simply because another emotion is being focused on. When I turn on a light in my room, darkness fades. I didn’t suppress darkness, I simply turned on a light.  

Training myself to view life through a different lens empowers me to own my truth. My life: good, bad, indifferent, is my truth. How I choose to live with my truth is my reality! I empowered my reality with tools that will grow, develop, enhance, support, build resilience, grit, fortitude, and empathy. My reality includes my truth! All of it! So, just because a person doesn’t “speak” on “negative” issues from their present or past, shouldn’t imply “suppression”. Perhaps they simply want the water of their day to be “just right”.  

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Normalize Kindness

Can we please normalize kindness!

I’m out to dinner with the fam, and in walks this elderly Veteran. Every so many steps, he stumbles. I look down to realize his shoes are untied. So, me being me. I sashay over (’cause I’m extra cute – lashes, heels, big fro and all) and tap him on the shoulder (don’t want him to think I’m the server) and say, “Thank you for your service. I’m the spouse of a 31-year Active Duty Army Veteran, and when you walked by, I noticed your shoes weren’t tied. I don’t want you to stumble or fall. May I please tie them for you?”

He is flabbergasted. After excessively thanking me for letting him know, the female accompanying him says she will take care of it and again thanks me.

The family sitting beside them (although I tried to be as discreet as I could with his age) began to cry. I mean real tears. The Alpha male takes my hand and tells me how special it is and what I did. I smile and keep walking back to my delicious crab stuffed salmon and risotto.

As we are enjoying our 3rd glass of wine, the Veteran and female come to our table. She takes my hand, kisses my cheek, and says, “You are so wonderful. Thank you.” We chat a bit, and I introduce her to my fam, and they leave.

By now, all eyes are on us (more so than before being the only table with Blacks), and I wondered. When did kindness go out of style? When did going the extra mile become … extra? I know we are far removed from Mayberry RFD, but are we so closed off that a small gesture seems so huge?

Let’s normalize kindness and being neighborly. Let’s go back to doing what’s right for the sake of righteousness and nothing else. Let’s go back to being our brother’s keeper.

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Consider the Cost

I believe people give up not because they didn’t understand the assignment (get the vision) but rather, they failed to recognize the work required to manifest it. You see, visions are like ultrasound images. It’s not the actual physical baby in hand, heck, it’s not even a Polaroid picture. It’s a glimpse showing you what is there. Even the facy-smancy 3D images only show so much. They’re your proof that life is present, growing, developing, soon to be born.

Jesus said, “Which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28). Even when we get clear directives from God, we have a responsibility to consider the cost. We should have an idea of what’s required to complete the mission. Does this mean that God sends us out ill-prepared? Not all all. Sometimes we fail because we don’t assess what we have and lack so that we know to ask for what we need. Or at minimum, know where to obtain what’s needed to go forward.

I get a lot of requests from those who desire to write books. I’m ALWAYS honest about the costs: time, talent, money, sanity, and such. Some get it and go on create amazing award-winning books! Others get angry and call me a hater or blessing blocker. As if by advising them of what is required to create the product (that they came to me about) is equivalent to me drowning their dream. Chile, please. I’m trying to teach your dream to swim, or at least float! I wish I had someone to say to me, “You feel called to write books, let me give you the scoop!”

Maybe that’s why we don’t always have someone like me spillin’ the tea. Perhaps, if we truly knew the cost to fulfill God’s calling, we’d run and hide. I’m certain when Joseph had his dreams, he didn’t forwsee being nearly killed by his brothers, striped of his possessions, tossed in a ditch and sold into slavery. Then adding insult to injury, he got a job, was acussed of rape (because he wouldn’t do it! And that is another message all its own), then tossed in jail again. He saw person after person set free, heck, he even found favor but was still locked up … until. When the fulfillment of his time came, he looked nothing like the man the original dream was given. But neither do we.

I’m not the same person who, on January 31, 2014, sat down at a table at 118 Eastwood Drive in Newport News, VA, and penned her first creation. I never could have imagined the road those pages would pave. But I’m thankful and grateful to be on the journey. I never could have foreseen this day, but I must say, “I did consider the costs and packed my bags for the ride!”

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The Power of the Seed

There is a reason why godliness with contentment is great gain. Godliness brings wisdom. The level of wise that understands the power of the seed. One man may take his seed and being hungry will eat it. Another might toss them in the fields to feed creation. But to the one who understands the power of the harvest,  knows that within each seed is endless possibilities.

That person will lovingly cultivate the ground, plant and nurture the seed and when it grows, they will share, invest, and sell the fruit thereof. Contentment says, I have what I need in this moment, and am grateful. One cannot be greedy and grateful at the same time. Contentment also creates space for faith to believe in the harvest that follows determination and perseverance sprinkled with grit.

Beloved, do not grow weary in welldoing (don’t toss in the towel or give up) keep pressing, investing, creating, believing, and putting in the work. Most importantly, trust the prosess and never stop learning. Your harvest is coming.

#florenza_says #work #learning #investing #power #grateful #wisdom #godliness #contentment #trusttheprocess

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Time to cast your vote. I have two covers in this year’s competition and am in need of your assistance. Please cast your vote.

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Painted Boat

A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him.

While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it.

When he finished painting, he received his money and left.

The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with a nice check, much higher than the payment for painting.

The painter was surprised and said “You’ve already paid me for painting the boat, Sir!”

“But this is not for the paint job. It’s for repairing the hole in the boat.”

“Ah! But it was such a small service… certainly it’s not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant.”

“My dear friend, you do not understand. Let me tell you what happened:

“When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention the hole.

“When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip.

“They did not know that there was a hole. I was not at home at that time.

“When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole.

“Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.

“Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole!

“You see, now, what you did? You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your ‘small’ good deed.”

So, no matter who, when, or how, continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively, and carefully repair all the ‘leaks’ you find. You never know when one is in need of us or when God holds a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful and important to someone.

Along the way, you may have repaired numerous ‘boat holes’ for several people without realizing how many lives you’ve saved. ❤️

Make a difference….be the best you…

Have a blessed day🌿

(story and photo credit: Good Thinking)

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It’s Okay to NOT be Okay.

Beloved, give yourself permission to not show up to every invitation. It’s okay to not attend, comment, respond, participate, or be a spectator of _____ (fill in the blank). You do not have to be in every photo, at every table, in every seat.

In this “see me” phase of living we’re now in, there’s an expectation to be “everywhere” for “everything” with “everyone”. And if not, we’re viewed as “losers” “less than” or worse, lazy.

The end result, we’re running ourselves ragged and have only ourself to blame. We and we alone sit behind the driver’s wheel. Learn that NO is an answer, we cannot always say yes.

Recently, I found myself feeling haggard and couldn’t put my finger on a cause. Nothing was wrong yet everything wasn’t right. I was off kilter and couldn’t find the pain point. I examined my spirit, all good. Soul? Check. Body? Good. Mind? Good to go. Relations? A OK. (for the most part). Yet, something was off.

When I feel like that (which hasn’t happened often), I retreat. No sense in moving forward when you aren’t sure which direction you should be going. Superficial obligations were put on autopilot; areas requiring substantial input had to stop. Radio silent!

This is what I discovered.

It’s okay to not be okay, and most importantly to not feel the need to give a specific reason for it. Sometimes, we just need to rest. Recently, I posted seven areas that require rest. I’m making it my mission to be just as intentional with resting as I am with playing.

What about you?

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The Choice is Yours

The first time I read Deuteronomy 30:19, I thought to myself, “How dumb must God think humans are? He not only tells us, we have before us life and death and that the choice is ours, then in the same breath, gives us the answer (choose life) and gives us the reason for it (so that you and your children may live). We must be morons!”

Then life set in and choices needed to be made and at times I confess. I found myself taking the easy road that in the moment, seemed right to me only later to discover that, at the end of the road was … death.

Death to relationships, health, wisdom, morality, character, finances, spiritual growth, peace of mind, and the list is a mile long to include for some, loss of life.

So, you see. Although the decision seems easy, it isn’t always a breeze to implement. But God didn’t just give us the answer and reason and leave us flapping in the wind. He gave us His strength, power, mind, Son, and Holy Spirit.

On our own, we can do that a thing but to choose death and a curse. But through Christ, we can do all things which results in blessings and life. We are in Christ, and in Him is the fullness of the Godhead bodily! (This verse wakens my inner warrior!)

Even when faced with a choice between a rock and a hard place, you have a choice. And as long as you don’t faint, give up, or toss in the towel, your faith may witness the hard place opening to reveal a luxury resort and the rocks a majestic choir that joins as you sing off key out loud, “Look what the Lord has done! He brought me out of darkness into His marvelous light! Oh, look what the Lord has done!”

“Today I am giving you a choice of two ways. And I ask heaven and earth to be witnesses of your choice. You can choose life or death. The first choice will bring a blessing. The other choice will bring a curse. So choose life! Then you and your children will live.” Deuteronomy 30:19 (Easy to Read Version ERV)


The Choice is Yours
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Four words, different outcomes.

Moments of reflection

“What if you don’t?”

“What if you do!”

Both statements contain the same number of words, and usually originate from the same source, self. However, the outcome for each is vastly different.

If you’re going to listen to self talk, wouldn’t you much rather hear positive thoughts and words?

Even if the outcome is defeat, loss, or setback, a positive attitude will assist you in enjoying your journey.

It’s your choice.


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Who Made That Sound? Animals And Their Sounds in English, Spanish, and Manderin

Debbie Dearen Richmond, Eduardo Paj, and Jiao Hoggard and I are extrememly proud of this review!

Reviewed By Asher Syed for Readers’ Favorite

Who Made That Sound? Animals and Their Sounds in English, Spanish, and Mandarin, written by Florenza Lee and illustrated by Debbie Richmond, is a children’s picture book that depicts several different animals and describes the sounds they make in the three titular languages. Over thirty animals are shown in the book, which covers a wide range of different species. These range from insects like the bee that buzzes and birds like the humming and chirping hummingbird to domestic animals such as the cat that meows and purrs, to reptiles and wild animals like the snake that hisses and rattles and the koala that bellows and shrieks. The languages are tiered with a simple, single line each, first in English, then Spanish, and finally in Mandarin.

Debbie Richmond is a spectacular artist and what she achieves in Who Made That Sound? is absolutely incredible. It is a level of artistry that is impossible to describe but so gorgeous that both myself and my young reader were spellbound on every single page. My favorites are the chicken which is almost powdery in how its feathers billow on the page, and the duck, which Richmond has illustrated in rich jewel tones that highlight the emerald green head and blue side belly of a Mallard. My daughter kept asking me to go backward and forward so she could revisit the sweet-looking donkeys, the swan that sits with its plumes delicately lifted, and the baby tiger with a soft face and muted orange-striped coat. Gorgeous.

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