What feeds your soul?

I am so thankful that just as my heart beats without any effort on my part, likewise does my soul thrive upon God’s word. Earlier today, as we were packing the last of my belongs, I mentally ran down my current situation.  I recently lost my daddy and we are planning his funeral service, I was hired for a new job, am selling my current home while purchasing a new home in a different state. This is my first transcontinental move without the aid of the military, I have two major writing projects due, and my fur-baby was diagnosed with Stage Three cancer. She recently had a toe amputated and several large tumors removed from her mouth.

As I exhaled, I heard my spirit feasting upon scriptures that are well hidden in my heart. I smiled as I thought of my children hungrily nursing. Verses that were placed there during morning devotionals, Bible studies, personal reading,  Sunday school lessons, sermons and teaching heard over the years. Scriptures rose to the surface meeting every physical, emotional, and spiritual need as if being served by a personal butler.

I immediately gave thanks for having a bountiful supply from which to partake; I saw my heart as a smorgasbord. Sadly, some have placed so little in their ❤ it’s like stale generic cornflakes in a broken bowl of water.

What is your soul eating? Do you need to stock your shelves with fresh manna? Perhaps a song of praise or time in worship will replenish your spiritual pantry so that you have an abundance from which to enjoy.

God is a very present help in our times of need so we must hide His word in our hearts ensuring we have adequate spiritual nutrition when needed.

Be blessed.

About Florenza

"The Clarifier"- Author, Publisher, Narrative Coach, Children's Mindfulness Coach, Radio TalkShow Host, Minister, and Advocate... basically, I love speaking :)
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